
Golpes de algumas grandes empresas: antiético, mas legal!

Infelizmente, muitas grandes empresas lançam mão de um estrategista para INDUZIR o público a contratar os serviços, de uma maneira que não desrespeite nenhuma lei, mas continua sendo antiético.

Eu estou vendo um anúncio:
"Cursos técnicos. Faça sua matrícula e ganhe uma viagem." E, numa letrinha minúscula que quase necessita do auxílio de lupa para enxergar está escrito:
"Confira o regulamento no site. www.colegiotal.com.br/promocao" (O endereço que eu coloquei aqui é fictício.)

Ou seja, a ideia seria fazer que uma pessoa distraída pensasse que vai ganhar uma viagem automaticamente se fizesse a matrícula, quando na verdade há algum sorteio.

Obviamente é um golpe para ganhar fregueses, mas não há nenhum jeito das pessoas que caem em tal golpe possam recorrer à Justiça, pois apesar de ser um golpe, nenhuma lei é desrespeitada.

Outro exemplo:
Em 2006, eu acessei o site de uma grande escola de idiomas para fazer um teste para ver qual seria o exame internacional mais adequado ao meu conhecimento de um certo idioma. O teste indicou que o melhor exame para mim seria para o avançado (que comprovaria meu avançado conhecimento do idioma), mas que eu deveria visitar a escola para fazer exames complementares para confirmar. Eu visitei a escola e fiz um exame complementar com uma professora, no qual a professora seguramente disse que eu podia tranquilamente fazer o exame para o nível avançado... eu fiz a matrícula para o exame, mas no dia marcado tive um problema pessoal grave e acabei perdendo a primeira prova do primeiro dia do exame, e por isso fui OBVIAMENTE reprovado!

A avaliação que a professora tinha feito do meu nível de conhecimento do idioma estava totalmente CORRETA e JUSTA, mas agora eu vou explicar onde estava o golpe:
Ao fazer o exame, eu puder comprovar que eles não tinham avaliado meu nível em todas as matérias testadas pelo exame internacional. O exame internacional comprovou meu nível avançado na fala e na escrita, matérias que eu tinha sido avaliado pelo curso, mas o curso não avaliou OUTRAS duas matérias essenciais, eu pude ver que, mesmo se eu não tivesse perdido a primeira prova, EU SERIA REPROVADO! Pois eu me senti como a seleção brasileira na derrota de 7 a 1 para a Alemanha! Ou seja, o golpe existiu, mas como responsabilizar alguém, já que a professora fez as avaliações que mandaram que ela fizesse corretamente, e como alguém poderia reclamar que a avaliação não foi completa?

Eu pude perceber que meu nível de conhecimento do idioma estava abaixo do avançado, e que para passar no avançado levaria VÁRIOS ANOS de preparo cuidadoso ainda. Por isso eu nunca mais fiz o exame para o avançado. Somente hoje em dia eu conseguiria passar nesse exame avançado E AINDA ASSIM com uma certa dificuldade! Enfim, três anos depois eu fiz um exame para um certificado num nível abaixo do avançado e por fim consegui. Nota:
Existe um exame acima do avançado, que é considerado como nível igual a de um nativo universitário, enfim, nível universitário.

Em postagens futuras pretendo falar de golpes na educação, como o "Universidade para todos", que obviamente é um GOLPE, o golpe do "Ciências sem fronteiras", etc.

Duas coisas eu observei ao fazer exames internacionais, e essas constatações me chocaram:
É mais fácil passar no mais difícil vestibular brasileiro --vestibular para direito ou para medicina-- do que passar no nível mais fácil de um exame internacional, que é o nível elementar. (Elementar é abaixo do básico!) Por outro lado, é mais fácil um pobre conseguir um certificado internacional de idiomas NO NÍVEL MAIS ALTO do que entrar numa faculdade pública do Brasil. Observe que eu CONVERSEI com várias pessoas que tinham passado em vestibulares considerados dificílimos mas não conseguiam passar no nível mais elementar num exame internacional...

Isso porque os países que fazem os exames internacionais dão de goleada no Brasil no quesito ACESSO DEMOCRÁTICO E IGUALITÁRIO. Eu explicarei isso mais adiante.


I miss her and can't think straight

Day after day I fight against the desire to beg of her to talk to me. Because I know this might bother her. I just wanted to hear her voice. I wouldn't say anything if she doesn't want me to speak. Just want to hear her voice.

Why I ruined the only thing that brought me real joy in this cold life by telling her I love her? Maybe this is just a delusion like she says. But I don't care what this is. I just wanted to hear that voice. That's all. I wouldn't ask anything else.

(Very corny! Originally posted in April 6, 2013. Elsewhere.)


How I found out that she wasn't just a girl, but THE GIRL (Continuation)

I really don't know why I want her. And this is the point. I don't know why I want her in my life, but this is terrifying to think about life without her. I just realized one day that I would like to see her every day, to talk to her every day. I was kind of embarrassed for feeling this way. I was afraid of letting her know it. One day she got to know it...

I never felt this way in my life before. I didn't feel jealous, I just felt afraid, I just fear the idea of being away from her, but she lived miles away! I really don't understand this feeling. And you know what? I don't want to understand. I just want to be with her.

(Originally posted in April 2, 2013, elsewhere.)


How I found out that she wasn't just a girl, but THE GIRL

When I met her I said to myself, "Now, that's the girl that I've always wanted in my life." But she was so far away. And I thought to myself, "Perhaps I wouldn't be the best for her," for I was about 1864 miles away from her.

I'm very ashamed to say that when I was dating other girls I usually thought about the fact that I wasn't lucky enough to have near me that stunning girl that was 1864 miles away. And I'm very ashamed to say that I exaggerated in the praise of other girls.

How hypocrite I feel when I think that I was dating other girls only out of fear of loneliness. How coward I was! I mean, those girls were fine, I liked them, but it's such a shame to think that all that I wanted was for them to be like the girl that was 1864 miles away...

(To be continued...)

(Originally posted in January 16, 2013, elsewhere.)


To spend an afternoon with you

How many times I wished I could walk by the sea hand-in-hand with you. The pleasure of looking at you mingled with the sea breeze. To spend an afternoon with you... and to see the evening come, the stars spread out in the sky. You can't imagine how I dream of this moment... and later we would see the midnight come... and we would come intertwined all night long...

(Originally posted in June 23, 2013, elsewhere.)


How could I love her?

And this beautiful lady that captivated my eyes and heart asked me, "How could you love me if you do not know me?"

To answer her I employ the words of Van Helsing, one of my favorite fictional characters:

"Not know you! I, who am old, and who have studied all my life men and women; I, who have made my specialty the brain and all that belongs to him and all that follows from him! And I have read your diary that you have so goodly written for me, and which breathes out truth in every line. (...) Good women tell all their lives, and by day and by hour and by minute, such things that angels can read; and we men who wish to know have in us something of angels' eyes."

Extracted from Dracula by Bram Stoker, page 202. Slightly adapted.

(Originally posted in May 10, 2013, elsewhere.)


I would do anything you want me to, Baby

I would do anything you want me to do for you, Baby. I would do anything that can make you really happy. I can't guess what you want, 'cause you're so enigmatical and I'm no clairvoyant, but... I will surely try to find out what you really want deepest in your heart. What - you may not know - is more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack.

In fact, it's way more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack, it's more difficult than finding a needle in an ocean, but I just wanted to use the old saying first! I don't want to create a new expression, I just want to make you happy.

No! In fact, it's MORE DIFFICULT than finding a haystack in an ocean and then finding a needle in that haystack. I really would love you to see that, so that you could know exactly how I feel!!!

(Originally posted in August 3, 2013, elsewhere.)


She is my sun

There is still beauty. The same as I know that there is still light in the world, even when the sun is covered by black clouds, for the sun is still lighting the world from afar, from behind the clouds.

I walk around, I see around and I see beauty. I see beautiful women. But I know that I only can see beauty because of her, for she is my sun. In every woman I only perceive bodies, as if I perceived objects but couldn't see at all without the light of the sun.

This is the absurd condition in which I'm living.

(Originally posted in November 12, 2013, elsewhere.)


Your presence in my life

Perhaps it would be difficult for you to understand that every single moment I'm thinking of you. You made my life blossom, I do many things in my life, but I'm not sure if those things would be so essential if it wasn't for your presence in my life.

(Corny, isn't it? Originally posted in November 24, 2013, elsewhere.)


More than you will ever know

Sometimes she wonders thoughtfully,
"Does he love me?"
If only she could hear my answer
Baby, I love you more than you will ever know
I love you even in an embarrassing way
I love you to a degree that puzzles me
And got me wondering why you wonder

(Originally posted in November 02, 2013, elsewhere.)()


Don't take away the most important thing in my life, which is you

That's what I'd like to say to her. She hasn't talked to me in a long time, she hasn't answered my emails; and I'm desperate. Gosh. Baby, please, don't take away the most important thing in my life, which is you.

(Orignally posted in January 6, 2014, elsewhere.)


You're not only the love of my life - You're my life

But every time that I felt down in my life in the last years I always thought of her. It always makes me stronger and willing to carry on. I've never known exactly why I feel this way, but ever since I met her she's been one reason to live. I didn't want to ever tell her that, but I think I will have to eventually do it, no matter how embarrassing it may be. Especially because the other day I was foolish enough to get angry at her when she said that she doubted my love and I wound up saying things that hurt her, and by hurting her hurt me, of course.

(Originally posted in October 25, 2013, elsewhere.)


Divided between romance and responsibility

I have my responsibilities, but I can hardly focus on them because my heart is divided. Divided between the love of my life and the life of the love of my life and that of many others. For if I let go of my social responsibilities, even her life could be endangered. How could I make her understand that?

Originally posted in March 26, 2014, elsewhere.)


About love and life

Don't expect that your friends and family approve of your love. If you let them they will choose your love for you. Don't expect that your love will be easy to live. God puts obstacles just to see whether you're worthy of the love you asked for. Giving up is never the best thing to do. The only thing you must desist is from giving up.

(Originally posted in May 9, 2013, elsewhere.)


To love is to be willing to take care

To love someone isn't just being able to give pleasure, is not just being able to give great sex, but it's much more than this. Real love is to be there when the person needs attention of some other kind. This is real love. The rest is just lust, and selfish lust.

Originally posted in April 29, 2014, elsewhere.