
So you wanted to turn back to the Middle Ages, Breivik? Well, you got it!!

Someone called my attention in a comment in the blog to the fact that Anders Behring Breivik considers himself a member of the Knights Templar, a medieval organization.

I wasn't familiar with the term, so I decided to research it.

I looked it up in my paperback and hardback dictionaries. (I mean, I didn't searched it in the Internet, researched in the old way.)

And I found that Knight Templar is a member of a Christian military order. The term Knights Templar derived from the larger term Knights of the Temple of Solomon ((in Latin: Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Solomonici)), an order which was founded by Crusaders in Jerusalem around 1118 to defend Christian interests.

In his video Breivik shows pictures of people that he considers heroes of old, such as El Cid Campeador, European heroes in his opinion.

Well Breivik, if you would like to turn back to the Middle Ages, well, you got it!! Now you are being analysed, diagnosed and studied by psychiatrists and there's nothing more medieval than psychiatry. You deserve it Breivik! Welcome to the Middle Ages!!

Sorry everybody, I really didn't want to make fun of such a tragedy to our mankind. What Breivik did was horrible, but he has to be sent to jail. There's no point in labeling him as paranoid schizophrenic. It's high time psychiatrists learned to value their field and stop such diagnosis, which seems to be punishment, nothing more than this.

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