algumas vezes eu parava de tomar drogas (psicotrópicos!) e eu não seguia nenhum regime. Então, eu não sei. Eu tive sorte de ter saído da doença mental completamente, mas certamente nos últimos anos eu não tomei drogas.
Eu não tive os piores efeitos colaterais, alguns dos efeitos secundários, a longo prazo. Hoje em dia eles têm drogas que são consideradas melhores. Mas um dos ângulos é que é mais ou menos considerado aceitável usar drogas para a esquizofrenia.
Mas as pessoas ficam com muito sono e engordam muito. Mas isto é considerado aceitável. Mas não é tão bom engordar muito durante um longo período de tempo. Depois, há efeitos à saúde. Assim, pode-se dizer que a vida desta pessoa será realmente encurtada por causa dos problemas cardíacos, as consequências cardiovasculares por causa do excesso de peso."
Fonte: PBS
Observação: John Forbes Nash, Jr. conquistou bacharelado e mestrado em matemática aos vinte anos de idade. John Nash começou a sofrer com doença mental após completar trinta anos, quando sua esposa ficou grávida. Aos trinta e um anos foi internado e diagnosticado como esquizofrênico paranoico. Contratou advogados para sair do hospício e só tomava psicotrópicos porque era forçado.
A sua vida foi por água abaixo desde então. Ele ficou desempregado, sua esposa Alicia Lopez-Harrison de Lardé pediu divórcio... ele só começou a se recuperar quando decidiu se recusar totalmente a tomar drogas, em 1970. Assim, em 1994 ele ganhou o Prêmio Nobel, e em 2001 ele conseguiu voltar a se casar com sua esposa Alicia.
Esse tipo de informação, evidentemente, eles não mostraram no filme UMA MENTE BRILHANTE. A propósito, quem não viu o filme poderá vê-lo no YouTube. Basta clicar AQUI.
Veja O QUANTO ANTES, pois não sei por quanto tempo UMA MENTE BRILHANTE estará disponível lá.
"The drugs I think can be overrated. All of the drugs now continue to have some bad side effects.
There would be times in between when I would stop taking drugs and I would not immediately go under any regimen. So I don't know. I am lucky to have come out of mental illness at all, but certainly in the later years I had no drugs.
I didn't have the worst side effects, some of the long-term side effects. Nowadays they have drugs that are considered better. But one of the angles is it's considered more or less acceptable if a drug can be used for schizophrenia. But the people get very sleepy and they gain a lot of weight. But this is considered acceptable. But it's not so good if you gain a lot of weight over a long time period. Then there are many health effects. So you can say that this person's life is really going to be shortened because of all the cardiac, cardiovascular consequences of being overweight."
Source: PBS
Note: John Forbes Nash, Jr., was graduated in 1948 with bachelor's and master's degrees in mathematics, when he was only twenty years old.
John Nash began to suffer from mental illness after completing thirty years, when his wife became pregnant. At thirty one years he was hospitalized and diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic. He hired lawyers to leave the lunatic asylum and took psychotropic medication only because it was forced on him.
His life went downhill since then. He was unemployed, his wife Alicia Lopez-Harrison Lardé filed for divorce... he only began to recover fully when he decided to refuse to take drugs in 1970. In 1994 he won the Nobel Prize, and in 2001 he was able to remarry his wife Alicia.
They evidently didn't show this kind of information in the movie A BEAUTIFUL MIND. By the by, whoever haven't seen the movie will be able to watch it on YouTube. All you have to do is click HERE.
Do it RIGHT AWAY, for I don't know how long A BEAUTIFUL MIND will be available there.
There would be times in between when I would stop taking drugs and I would not immediately go under any regimen. So I don't know. I am lucky to have come out of mental illness at all, but certainly in the later years I had no drugs.
I didn't have the worst side effects, some of the long-term side effects. Nowadays they have drugs that are considered better. But one of the angles is it's considered more or less acceptable if a drug can be used for schizophrenia. But the people get very sleepy and they gain a lot of weight. But this is considered acceptable. But it's not so good if you gain a lot of weight over a long time period. Then there are many health effects. So you can say that this person's life is really going to be shortened because of all the cardiac, cardiovascular consequences of being overweight."
Source: PBS
Note: John Forbes Nash, Jr., was graduated in 1948 with bachelor's and master's degrees in mathematics, when he was only twenty years old.
John Nash began to suffer from mental illness after completing thirty years, when his wife became pregnant. At thirty one years he was hospitalized and diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic. He hired lawyers to leave the lunatic asylum and took psychotropic medication only because it was forced on him.
His life went downhill since then. He was unemployed, his wife Alicia Lopez-Harrison Lardé filed for divorce... he only began to recover fully when he decided to refuse to take drugs in 1970. In 1994 he won the Nobel Prize, and in 2001 he was able to remarry his wife Alicia.
They evidently didn't show this kind of information in the movie A BEAUTIFUL MIND. By the by, whoever haven't seen the movie will be able to watch it on YouTube. All you have to do is click HERE.
Do it RIGHT AWAY, for I don't know how long A BEAUTIFUL MIND will be available there.
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Eu sempre publicarei todo tipo de opinião e ponto de vista. que NÃO INFRINJAM AS LEIS DO MUNDO, nem as leis da Internet.
Não são toleradas ofensas a nenhuma das pessoas que comentam.
Links para blogs e sites que falem de saúde mental são bem vindos, desde que não sejam sites criados para vender psicotrópicos.
As informações dispostas aqui são CONFIRMADAS através de várias fontes. A qualidade obtida aqui não se consegue da noite para o dia, mas sim de uma experiência de VÁRIOS ANOS.
Portanto, se houver algo a ser corrigido aqui, publique nos comentários, mas COM PROVAS, como eu faço.
Algumas pessoas, ao tomar medicações psiquiátricas ou drogas ilícitas, não sofrem efeitos adversos significativos (como vemos algumas pessoas que fumam a vida toda e morrem de velhice.) Portanto verei como normal algumas pessoas dizerem que nunca sentiram nenhum efeito colateral ao tomar determinado psicotrópico.
Mas qualquer indivíduo que escrever algo contra as informações técnicas mostradas aqui deve PROVAR IMEDIATAMENTE na mesma mensagem, do contrário terei que deletar.
Se quiser me contatar pode ser através de um comentário.
This web site is mostly about human rights, health, music and curious videos from Youtube. If you have any of these your contribution is most welcome.
Links to web sites that sell MEDICATION ARE UNWELCOME.
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