
Homosexuality was considered disease

Below I leave an excerpt from an old encyclopedia. From the time in which homosexuality was considered disease. It's incredible to see how aggressive was the way they addressed homosexuals. They even had a treatment for homosexuality and medication for it!

And I'm leaving this text, for I hope that some day people won't be ashamed of saying they're bipolar. And that people don't make jokes about schizophrenic people, nor pity on schizophrenic people anymore. Schizophrenic people will be proud of the qualities of their condition.

And that we may be proud of the qualities of being bipolar, for example. That we may be proud because a bipolar is over-active sexually and very creative. As nowadays we see one great quality in homosexuals: usually male homosexuals are very delicate and kind. They're not prone to violence. And it's a quality.

Homosexual describes love for one of the same sex; man for man, woman for woman. Female homosexuality is called lesbianism. In one stage of the psychosexual development of children, homosexual love is both normal and natural. As a result some homosexual feelings persist in many perfectly normal individuals. The occasional homosexual feeling should not be confused with adult homosexual practice. No one need be afraid that he is "becoming a homo" because he sometimes feels strongly attracted toward member of his own sex or because he has the capacity to enter into genuine friendships with his own sex. Such feelings are in a sense throwbacks to normal childhood reactions. But the almost complete substitution of homosexual feelings and practices for HETEROSEXUAL love is a serious derangement that may verge on, if it has not already reached, MENTAL ILLNESS. The treatment is PSYCHOTHERAPY, possibly with the help of ENDOCRINE therapy. it is never "smart" to be homosexual; it is a social affliction with which some people must forever struggle. A few try to make the best of their affliction by calling it normal, but this is just another version of the old fable about the fox without a tail. The attempt to seduce others, especially the young, into homosexual practice is criminal. It is common for homosexuals to feel and practice heterosexual love as well.

Family Medical Encyclopedia by Justus J. Schifferes, Ph.D.

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