
Is Mental Illness Hereditary?

Just to start with I don't fight only for better mental health care in the world, but I clearly declare that I fight for peace in the world, for no violence. I'm a peacemaker above all. Mental illness exists because of the differences in the world society. Mental diseases exist because of lack of information. And, of course, mental diseases afflict more the poor. A world with so many wars is undoubtedly sick. And peace in the world would do more good than any chemical medication.

I'll leave to you an article on mental illness and heredity extracted from a medical book. And this text below will show you clearly why mental illness can't be hereditary. Inform yourself!

Insanity is the legal term for what is now more properly called MENTAL ILLNESS, neuroses and psychoses. It is true that much remains obscure and unknown about the origin of mental illness. But it is ignorant and supertitious to attribute much, if any of this to heredity when it is so much more clearly known that what happens to a child in the early years of his life sets the emotional patterns from which later mental illness may emerge. An outstanding psychiatrist Dr. Jules H. Masserman, declares:

"While there might be a tendency to inherit FEEBLE-MINDNESS and perhaps EPILEPSY, there is no reliable evidence for definite hereditary factors in behavioral aberrations less directly dependent on organic or neurologic functions. Rather, controlled genetic environment studies indicate that parents influence their children's patterns of behavior less by genes than by the nature of parental care, precept and example." Furthermore mental illness is so common in modern American society that it is almost impossible to find any family tree completely free of them.

Family Medical Encyclopedia by Justus J. Schifferes
It's a real old text, but it still applies nowadays. Is it necessary to say anything else?

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Algumas pessoas, ao tomar medicações psiquiátricas ou drogas ilícitas, não sofrem efeitos adversos significativos (como vemos algumas pessoas que fumam a vida toda e morrem de velhice.) Portanto verei como normal algumas pessoas dizerem que nunca sentiram nenhum efeito colateral ao tomar determinado psicotrópico.

Mas qualquer indivíduo que escrever algo contra as informações técnicas mostradas aqui deve PROVAR IMEDIATAMENTE na mesma mensagem, do contrário terei que deletar.

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