
Clitbreakers: Misogynists castrate Women

In English there are the offensive terms "ballbreaker" and "ballbuster"; both are used to denote a woman who is regarded as unpleasant and aggressive towards men. Literally "ballbreaker" or "ballbuster" is a woman who BREAKS the balls of men; a woman who castrates men with her attitudes.

You probably have already realized that "ballbreaker" and "ballbuster" are terms used by misogynists to insult women. They call a woman a "Ballbreaker" because when someone kicks a man's testicles (balls) the pain is unbearable; they mean that such a woman is so unbearable and painful as a kick in the balls. But, in fact, it is misogynistic men who have castrated women for centuries and still do castrate women nowadays. Such men BREAK the clitoris of women, they castrate them; therefore I call them CLITBREAKERS or CLITBUSTERS.
(Ball: a testicle. Clit: short for clitoris. Look these words up in the Dictionary.com.)

It's not a physical castration of the clitoris, but still is a castration by ignoring its existence. It is a castration by regarding the clitoris as something dirty and indecent. You may remember the quotation from the book MEN WHO HATE WOMEN AND THE WOMEN WHO LOVE THEM by Dr. Susan Forward:

(The reproduction is for educational and informative purposes only.)
'The mention of oral sex made him grimace. He'd say, "It looks nasty, it smells nasty, and it tastes nasty." Another time he said, "Your idea of a good time is for me to spend the night with my head between your legs."'

Definition of "nasty" by the WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY:
1. filthy; foul.
2. offensive in taste or smell; nauseating.

Compare with the definition on line by Wiktionary:
1. Dirty, filthy.
2. Contemptible, unpleasant.

Now Dictionary.com:
1. physically filthy; disgustingly unclean.
2. offensive to taste or smell; nauseating.

How many women had to hear men say that their vulva, vagina or clitoris is nasty? One tip to women, such men must think that the penis is cleaner than the vulva. Don't be surprised if you catch them sucking a penis sometime! (I don't mean to be crass, but what else could I say?)

Many women can't even recognize their clitoris, let alone their male partners! This happens because our society has been led by misogynists. The female genitalia have always been reprobated, along with the female expression of sexuality. In such a way that women are ashamed of touching their own body. Most women don't even know what is FEMALE EJACULATION.

Ejaculation is something NATURAL for both men and women. You man, imagine how you would feel if you had never ejaculated in your life. That's exactly how most women feel.

The sad reality is that most women have been pregnant, but only a few women have experienced orgasm. Misogynists have limited women to a role of procreators only; procreators deprived of sexuality, castrated by reprobation, the worst form of castration.

To finish the post, the definition of "reprobate" by the WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY, so you can see exactly what I mean:
1. to disapprove with detestation or marks of extreme dislike; to contemn strongly; to condemn.
2. to reject.
3. in theology, to reject and abandon as beyond saving; to foreordain (a person) to damnation: said of God.

As you can see, no exaggeration at all...

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