
Natural sexuality vs, Misogyny and Homophobia

Homophobia is not normal. Misogyny is a disease, and perhaps homophobia is caused by misogyny, for a homosexual man has an effeminate behavior. A homophobe hates the effeminate behavior and a misogynist not always hates the body of the woman, but he hates her femininity. It's so much so that misogynists have relationship with women, who they hate.

The human sexuality is full of fascinating traits. We still haven't had uncovered all its secrets and mysteries. A person may be heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or asexual. We're not sure if all these conditions exist in humans, but they exist in nature. And our cultures and religions don't want to accept that perhaps these conditions exist in human kind also.

Some men don't have full attraction to women, but get married WITH WOMEN, perhaps because of the social status of a society that considers good marriage a sign of success. Those men that really don't like the bodies of the women aren't necessarily homosexual, perhaps they're only ASEXUAL. Maybe they just have erections because they're excited with the social status.

For the men I say: don't marry just for status sake, don't marry to fulfill the views of family and society, only marry a woman if you love her and desire her, marry her if she gives you goose bumps.

The following extract is from the book MEN WHO HATE WOMEN AND THE WOMEN WHO LOVE THEM by Dr. Susan Forward:

(The reproduction is for educational and informative purposes only.)
'The mention of oral sex made him grimace. He'd say, "It looks nasty, it smells nasty, and it tastes nasty." Another time he said, "Your idea of a good time is for me to spend the night with my head between your legs."'

This man doesn't like women. Or at least he doesn't like THAT particular woman. For a man the texture of the skin of a woman is delicious, so the taste of a woman is inebriating, better than any fruit ever tasted. I'm not exaggerating at all! A clear example to convince the women:
Some men give GREEK KISS in their women. A man does that for HIS pleasure, because he CAN'T resist the delicious inebriation of a woman and he becomes oblivious to everything else, it's the power of the SCENT OF A WOMAN, what the natural smell of a woman does to a man.

I know these things because I'M A MAN. In fact, I almost gave a Greek kiss in a woman... I had to hold myself from doing it, I had to strive to get a grip on myself, I only didn't do it because that could be really very DANGEROUS to my health, because the woman was a prostitute and such sexual act would be very unpredictable and dangerous because I didn't know the woman...

I'm sharing these personal experiences so that women may understand what female sexuality really does to a man who LIKES women. If you're a man and doesn't feel like that perhaps you're homosexual or asexual. Remember. It's not wrong to be homosexual. It's only natural.

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