
Misogyny and Patriarchy

An important piece of information from the book MEN WHO HATE WOMEN AND THE WOMEN WHO LOVE THEM, by Dr. Susan Forward:
(Reproduction only for educational and informative purposes.)
'It has only been in recent years that studies have proved what many of us have known for a long time: that the majority of women need manual and/or oral stimulation to have orgasms.'

This is a fact of human sexuality, and many men don't want to touch their women to give them the love they need and deserve. All this is very important information. I am writing this in English because there are some delicate points that may be misinterpreted by some people. This is aimed at people who are more open to such delicate information and less prone to misjudge. The main public of this blog are Portuguese speakers, and the native Portuguese speakers who can read English probably are indeed more open-minded. That's why I'm writing in English.

The definition of clitoris, by the WEBSTERS DICTIONARY:
a small, sensitive erectile organ at the upper end of the external female genital organ: it corresponds to the penis of the male.

Many men only want sexual intercourse and don't wan't to touch their woman down there orally or manually.
Note: sexual intercourse involves penetration, in contrast with oral sex.

When a woman is not sexually aroused through appropriate foreplay the penetration may be painful to her. For men, I'd say: try to imagine you having to force your flaccid penis into a hard surface. You know that would hurt your penis. To penetrate you have to be sexually excited so that your penis become erect. Well the clitoris is also an erectile organ and it's hidden, that's why a woman needs to be stimulated there to be properly aroused. Otherwise it may be painful to her the same way it would be painful to you, man, to penetrate a hard surface without an erection.

Another very important excerpt from the book MEN WHO HATE WOMEN AND THE WOMEN WHO LOVE THEM, by Dr. Susan Forward:
(Reproduction only for educational and informative purposes.)
'It was a put-down to him if I wanted anything other than intercourse. That's all he'd do. If I asked him to touch me until I came, he'd leave the room. It was disgusting, he'd say. He made me feel dirty about my body.'

Unfortunately this is typical of a patriarchal society, a society in which only men are supposed to have pleasure.
Patriarchy is government by men, according to the WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY.

Patriarchy is in the fine arts. Compare the statue of David, by Michelangelo and the statue of Aphrodite, the Venus de Milo.

This excellent photo of the statue of Michelangelo is from the site Florence Inferno.

The photo of the statue of Aphrodite is from the site Michael Lahanas.

Michelangelo's David shows his penis as something very natural, but the statue of Aphrodite only shows her breast, as if the male genitalia were more artistic than the female genitalia. This is a clear sign of patriarchy. (Not to mention the fact that the nipple of Aphrodite is broken!)

According to the WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY, the clitoris corresponds to the penis of the male, so it wouldn't be an exaggeration to have a statue with a woman and her clitoris showing, just like the penis of Michelangelo's David showed. It would be EQUALITY.

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