
Hermaphroditism vs, Homophobia

The disinformation about human sexuality is enormous. Homophobia is a serious problem in our society caused by lack of elementary information about sexuality. Therefore before I speak about homophobia I will talk about some things of the human sexuality that everyone should know.

Human sexuality is physically defined by hormones, estrogen is the female hormone, whereas testosterone is the male hormone. Thus the hormone prevalent in women is estrogen, and the hormone prevalent in men is testosterone. There's a phenomenon in the sexuality of some individuals called HERMAPHRODITISM, when a person is born HERMAPHRODITE. Hermaphrodite is "a person who has both male and female sexual characteristics", according to the BLOOMSBURY CONCISE ENGLISH DICTIONARY.

If the person has both male and female sexual characteristics only the person can decide about his or her sexuality. A doctor can't decide whether a hermaphrodite shall have sex with men or women, nor can a priest decide it. It's up to the hermaphrodite to decide. But, sometimes doctors decide the sex of the hermaphrodite baby through corrective surgery.

The video below shows the case of Patrick.

"Patrick is a hermaphrodite. Patrick had a tiny penis and a single testicle. Internally he had an ovary and a Fallopian tube. Tests show that half of Patrick's male chromosomes were missing."

The doctor removed Patrick's single testicle WITHOUT the permission of the adoptive parents!

"The surgery took Patrick's natural ability to produce testosterone. For now Patrick is taking growth hormones. Later he will get testosterone to keep him looking male. He'll need to take it all his life."

Intersex Infant-Surgical Abuse

INTERSEX is a more formal word for HERMAPHRODITE.

A doctor is not supposed to decide about the sexuality of people, not even priests can do it. The very existence of hermaphroditism is enough evidence that there are things about sexuality that are beyond our understanding and it's up to each one of us to decide our sexuality, without pressures from society.

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